road trip to the end of the world

“That’s the end of the world?”

"Guess so. Feels kinda anticlimactic, though.” I kicked a rock with my tennis shoe, and it fell, fell, fell into the void without a sound. “You’d think they’d at least have a better tourist trap. With ‘I went to the end of the world, and I all got was this t-shirt’ shirts. Maybe even snow globes.”

“Yeah, but where would they even put the shop? The end is expanding, right? So it might not be able to hold the weight of it.” My best friend and road trip partner replied.

“Maybe they could make like, one of those wheeled kiosks? Like those hot dog stands, but for the world’s shittiest and cheapest mass-produced goods. They could put a little motor on it, and give people tours on it, too! Actually, maybe they should just get a bus at that point.”

He hummed, like he was thinking about it. We were both quiet for a bit, gazing into the inky blackness.

Finally, I spoke up. “I’m bored. You about ready to leave?”

“Yeah, this was kind of a waste of time. We should have gone to the giant moth ball, instead.”

“Maybe next summer."
